Statewide Service Center

Mange Medicine

Available in 8-oz cans

A pure vegetable, cod liver oil and lanolin base. Nothing else like it! Such soothing relief for skin irritations, fungi, falling hair, itching eczema, hot spots, moist feet and ears, ear mites, pus pimples and severe mange. Use on stubborn cases where others have failed and see for yourself. Mange Medicine is the closest thing to a cure-all for skin diseases that we offer. Although called Mange Medicine, this product is effective against a broad spectrum of skin conditions completely unrelated to mange.

SKU: 1043 Category:
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Available in 8-oz cans

A pure vegetable, cod liver oil and lanolin base. Nothing else like it! Such soothing relief for skin irritations, fungi, falling hair, itching eczema, hot spots, moist feet and ears, ear mites, pus pimples and severe mange. Use on stubborn cases where others have failed and see for yourself. Mange Medicine is the closest thing to a cure-all for skin diseases that we offer. Although called Mange Medicine, this product is effective against a broad spectrum of skin conditions completely unrelated to mange.


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