Enhances the Size, Color and Quantity of Blooms.
For Use in Landscaped Areas and Container Grown Plants.
For Landscapes: Apply this product around each individual plant at a rate of twice the amount shown for each container size listed below. Repeat application once every two weeks until blooming begins, then re-apply once a month there-after. Water in thoroughly after application.
For Container Grown Plants: Apply using the rates listed: CONTAINER SIZE APPLICATION RATE 1 Gallon or 8″ Basket 1 tablespoon 2 Gallon or 10″ Basket 3 tablespoons 5 Gallon or 14″ Basket 5 tablespoons 10 Gallons 3/8 cup 15 Gallons 3/4 cup 30 Gallons 1 – 1/2 cups Repeat application every 14 days until blooming starts, then feed once per month. When flowering is over, repeat this cycle for continuous flower production.
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