Statewide Service Center

Fire Blight Spray

Available in 2-oz jars

Formulation: Streptomycin Sulphate
Plant Disease Controlled: Fire blight on crabapples, pears, pyracantha, chrysanthemums, rhododendrons, dieffenbachia and roses.

Application Rate: 1 tablespoon per 2-1/2 gallons when tree starts
flowering in spring.

SKU: 10363 Category:
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Available in 2-oz jars

Formulation: Streptomycin Sulphate
Plant Disease Controlled: Fire blight on crabapples, pears, pyracantha, chrysanthemums, rhododendrons, dieffenbachia and roses.

Application Rate: 1 tablespoon per 2-1/2 gallons when tree starts
flowering in spring.

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